Advantages of owning an Electric vehicle There are so many advantages not only for you but also to society and towards environment if you own an electric vehicle rather than a combustion engine one. As we all know that slowly all big companies are already moving towards and many like TVS,Bajaj and Ather have already launched their two wheelers particularly in Bengaluru we see that these E vehicles have already started grabbing a substantial share in the segment.And why wouldn't it? Here I have mentioned a few advantages one has The first is these vehicles are way more Eco-friendly as compared to gasoline engine ones.They pose much less threat to environment as they emit no harmful gases and hence no air pollution which is the need of the hour especially in NCR and a few northern cities. The second edge which you will have over traditional vehicles is saving costs. Petrol and diesel prices are taking a leap and they will continue to rise,not to mention that we are running out...
We update you with the latest happenings in the e-vehicle sector starting from the scope of these in the market,technology used by them,comparison with existing engine driven motorvehicles to reviewing of new launches by different existing companies or new startups in this sector.Latest news for example opening of e-charging stations in different regions and much more is posted here.